Covered Calls Strategies & Tips
Some sectors are less affected by tariffs than others, and may even do better...
They use less capital but there are several risks...
Six reasons why you may want to sell covered calls in a rising market...
Use limit orders to buy and sell to improve your returns...
Which is better, weekly or monthly, for covered call writing?...
Beaten down, heavily shorted stocks could rise in January...
Uses margin and has more aggressive return goals...
No margin and modest return goals...
Use Bollinger bands and key supply levels to identify opportunities...
Want to sell at a higher price? Get paid while you wait...
Goldman's hot list of 9 companies with high 2019 revenue growth estimates...
These 7 Cloud Kings could be giving the 5 FAANG stocks a run for their money...
Kiplinger's picks for best stocks with no-doubt dividends...
4 metal stocks (2 gold, 2 steel) ripe for covered calls, and a free webinar...
TWO income streams from the SAME asset. Sweet...
Selling covered calls into a rising market has several benefits...
Reduce risk from 79,062 covered calls to get to 15 candidates...
How the last 5 iPhone launches have affected AAPL shares...
They've each done well in July over the last 10 years...
Two large trades: $10M JCI bet made money, $5M DAL bet didn't...
High yields and low payout ratios make for good dividend stocks...
Take a good strategy (Dogs Of The Dow) and make it better with options...
Zacks picks 7 stocks for January and 5 from 2015 that should rebound...
4 strategies for investing in AAPL in 2016...
Oppenheimer gives us their 10 picks to buy on weakness. We add covered calls...
In uncertain times it's nice to have regular dividends from solid companies...
Investing in likely M&A targets has special risks and rewards...
20 dividend champions about to raise their dividends...
Write covered calls on stocks about to increase their dividend...
6 companies with ex-dividend dates before the Oct 10 weekly expiration...
Screening for deep in the money covered calls...
Avoid selling shares to meet RMDs, use covered calls...
12 stocks to get dividends every month of the year...
The Investment Club has done well; but they could have higher income...
How to find weekly covered calls with our screener...
Write covered calls on stocks about to increase their dividend...
Same stock, same 18 months. Different strategies. 47.5% better returns...
Covered calls on Barron's picks will increase yield...
Earn income from your portfolio hedge...
Write covered calls on stocks about to increase their dividend...
Two ways to screen for ETF covered calls...
Making money is easy. But, losing it is the hard part...
Rather than sell your winners outright, let them be called away instead...
A quick way to remove risk from your dividend capture strategy...
Staring in March you can trade 10-share mini option contracts...
Improving on a time tested strategy by adding options...
Use covered calls in May for summer portfolio protection and income...
Which is better: selling a naked put or writing a covered call...
Patience is a virtue when it comes to income investing...
Low P/E, high yield Dow 30 stocks make good covered call candidates...
Increase the yield on high dividend healthcare stocks...
Setting up a themed covered call screen for holiday cash...
Three different strategies for covered call writing...
How to construct a diversified portfolio of covered calls...
How to get 12 free dividends per year...
Tips when investing primarily for income...
6 ideas on what to do when things go wrong...
Increased volatility gives us juicy premiums four times per year...
Rather than panic during a meltdown, use options to your advantage...
Sell-offs make for good opportunities to buy back your call options...
After a big run up, or just for income, sell deep in the money calls...
Buy before an increase is announced, and write calls while you wait...
You can make money with covered calls even if the stock drops...
ETFs are good for covered calls but there are a few you should stay away from...
Selling in the money covered calls is a popular strategy for monthly income...
Suggestions for improving your covered call returns...
Covered calls are a conservative investment strategy. But like most tools or techniques, it is possible to ratchet up the risk (and potential reward) on this one, too...
If you own stocks or ETFs and you're not writing calls against them then you are leaving money on the table every month...